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Carbon Monoxide Detectors (CO)

All combustion appliances—furnaces, boilers, fireplaces, wood stoves, propane-fired hot-water heaters, and heating and cooking stoves—produce carbon monoxide (CO), an invisible, odorless and potentially lethal gas. If any of these appliances is not properly vented or has even a small leak, your house could be filling with carbon monoxide.  This is why the law now requires every home be equipped with a carbon monoxide alarm.

  • Mild CO poisoning may include flu-like symptoms: headaches, nausea and chronic fatigue.
  • At higher levels, carbon monoxide causes loss of consciousness and death.
  • A CO alarm will alert you to a problem before it’s too late — particularly at night, when you and your family could be overcome while sleeping.

If your carbon monoxide alarm goes off, IMMEDIATELY evacuate the premises, getting everyone to fresh air as quickly as possible.  Call 911 ...

Test your CO alarm monthly.

Prevention is the best protection:  Have a professional check your heating system thoroughly before heating season and/or whenever you suspect trouble.